Nil bei Assuan Touristenbus in Amarna Zitadelle in Kairo

What - besides a common platform - can make and support a better connection between two countries?

To this end, the Deutsch-Ägyptische Gesellschaft Köln e.V. has been founded in March 1992 by a group of friends and adepts, who have close professional or friendly ties to Egypt.

Only mutual trust and a better knowledge of the other country can guarantee an unbiased cooperation in a world which grows continuously smaller, more cramped and which increasingly tends to perceive the Islamic world under the perspective of terrorism with total disregard of its long tradition of tolerance.

Which is exactly our goal.

In order to deepen bilateral relations with Egypt there are regular informative and educational events as well as visits to museums here and abroad. Thus the rapidly changing realities in the fields of politics, culture and economics can be better understood. These events include reports and presentations on Ancient Egypt.

We have extensive contacts and relationships with numerous institutions such as “Bund Ägypter deutscher Bildung” (Federation of Egyptians with German Education) and the German Agency for International Cooperation GIZ (former GTZ) is enabling the growth of these relationships.

This work is complimented by contributions from Egyptian artists and Arabic writers.

The Board of our Association
Chairwoman: Laila Greiss, Deputy Chairwoman: Karin Werner
Treasurer: Rudolf Schmitz, Assessors: Dr. Maria-Theresia Derchain, Gerrit Kamphuis